COOKIE DOUGH: We have cookie dough that can be bought for sale at $20 a bag. Oatmeal Raisin, Dad’s, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip and Gluten Free available at PUC & GMUC. At GMUC please call Velda Woolf (529-6961).
PASTORAL CARE: If anyone one from our congregation has to be admitted to the hospital and they would like a visit from our church they need to notify the hospital staff and ask them to invite Melvin Spence who is a Pastoral Care Visitor, to come and visit you. This is necessary under the COVID-19 regulations at hospital. Please call Mel at 403-548-7395 if you need further information.
SUNDAY SCHOOL (Redcliff): Please invite your children or even your neighbour’s children to attend.
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS (Redcliff): The Sunday School is looking for teachers. If you feel that God is calling you to this service, please contact the church office at 548-7110.
BENEVOLENT FUND: As an ongoing collection for those who are in greater need, a “Benevolent” Offering will be taken up at church on Sundays when we celebrate Communion. This offering will be received during the Closing Hymn of the service. Thank you for your generous hearts.
The Redcliff Bottle Depot has agreed to credit Gordon Memorial with the proceeds from any drink containers that you may take to them.
CHOIR: If you are interested in joining the adult choir please contact our director Wendy Wolcoski (526-7139). Senior Choir practice is Thursday afternoons beginning at 1:00 pm. If you like to sing, come and join the choir.
T-SHIRTS: We have Gordon Memorial T-shirts for sale for just $10.00. The T-shirts have the United Church crest on the left chest with Gordon Memorial United Church printed underneath. They are available in sizes: small, medium, large, extra large and double extra large. See Mel Spence.
first Sunday of each month has been designated as "Food Bank Sunday."
Please bring your non- perishable food items for the Food Bank to the
church on the first Sunday of every month and place them in our Food-Bank
box. Together we can make a difference.
Fourth Sunday of the month is designated as Gift Sunday at Gordon Memorial.
It is a time when we share a pot luck lunch with our friends and celebrate
the gifts we have received from God’s bounty. One way of celebrating
our gifts is to share what we have. Therefore, the board is asking each
person to bring a food bank item on Gift Sunday to share with those
who have less than us. Thank you.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: If you have Sunday School
age children that you would like to have attend please contact Joan Digney
(548-6985) and she will arrange to register them.
PRAYER SHAWLS: Many years ago, some women gathered in a church basement to make “Prayer Shawls” for members of their congregation and for those outside the congregation who were in need of being wrapped in God’s Love. Today, that tradition continues with our Ladies Circle. If you would like to help in this worthy endeavour or would like more information about the “Prayer Shawl”, please call Margaret Blades at 548-3350.
pleased to report that Gordon Memorial now has 28 families who contribute
to our church by using PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance). This certainly
helps our Church organize its finances especially during the summer.
If you would like to begin to contribute to our church monthly with
one automatic transfer from your bank please see Sharon Kirvan (548-6182).
She will do all of the paper work for you.
LUCK: Join us each Sunday following the service for coffee, tea and snacks.
FLOWERS (Redcliff): To
place flowers in the sanctuary in honour of or in memory of someone,
please complete the required information on the sheet located on the
west table in the Narthex. The cost of the flowers is $22.00.
FOOD BANK: Each time
you do your grocery shopping buy a few extra non-perishable food items
for the Food Bank. Bring them to church and place them in a box provided.
Together we can make a difference.
Don't forget your pennies. The church's "penny" collection
is an ongoing project that needs your help. Please bring your pennies
(loose change) to church and place in the large containers at the back
of the church. The monies collected will be donated to a worthy local
cause. Thank you.
The loose change that you
contribute in the glass jars in the Narthex has raises several hundred dollars per year. This money is used for charitable causes such as sending
children to camp, etc.