Gordon Memorial United Church
Ministers Corner
Easter. It's a hasty transition from gloomy Friday--trial, condemnation, crucifixion--to Sunday's glorious empty tomb. The time in between is couched in mystery, for good reason. The passion and resurrection narratives are just that: stories told to impart a profound truth that cannot be trusted to our limited human language.
Perhaps young children have the best grasp of the meaning of the season as they hunt down Easter eggs, bunnies and baby chicks. Sure, they are just objects, part of a commercial extravaganza, but even the most sophisticated adults can see hope in a bunny hopping and hear good news in a chick's cheery chirps. Springtime is a physical, visceral, psychological experience of new life spawning and bursting into bud and bloom.
Resurrection is the spiritual aspect, a reminder that for us, as followers of the Christ, death is not wholly tragic. We are embraced in the Holy, no longer bound to our earthly form. This is our celebration for Easter, that Christ has conquered death. Life rules. And (maybe) we get to eat chocolate!
Happy Easter!
Rev. Jan Stevenson